Data Retention Policy

Shush Finance's approach to data retention is carefully calibrated to balance user privacy with effective customer support.

Transaction Data

We retain user transaction data for a standard duration of 72 hours. This period allows our customer support team to have sufficient information to address user queries or issues effectively.

In instances where a customer support matter extends beyond the standard 72 hour window, our policy allows for the retention of relevant transaction data until the issue is fully resolved. Post-resolution, this data is promptly deleted using our platform’s automated deletion processes.

Law Enforcement

In cases where law enforcement authorities request information within the 72 hour retention window as part of their investigation into illicit activities, Shush Finance will cooperate to the extent permitted by law. This assistance is a crucial aspect of our commitment to legal compliance and preventing illegal activities.

User Data Deletion

Recognizing the importance of user autonomy, Shush Finance offers users the option to immediately delete their transaction data from our platform database when transacting. This option, available on the Working Our Magic Page, empowers users to control their data privacy.

Users should be aware that opting for immediate data deletion may impact the complexity and effectiveness of resolving potential support issues. We advise users to consider this trade-off when selecting this option.

Shush Finance’s data retention practices are designed to uphold a high standard of customer support while respecting user privacy and legal obligations. Our policies ensure that data retention is kept to the minimal necessary period, with options for users to exercise control over their data, all within a framework of legal compliance and cooperation.

Last updated